www.morphthing.com is a free online service that lets you mix two faces....and see the fun...
You can upload your own pictures or create faces from celebity images. Its extremely easy and the fun part is the suggested names...for example here is a mix of...Harry Potter and George Clooney and the suggested names include:
1st Name 2nd Name
Harry | Potter
George | Clooney
Harge | Pottey
Harrge | Clotter
Georry | Clootter
Geory | Clooner
Time to treate your eyes on the mix....
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Morph Pictures And Have Fun
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Labels: Free Software, Fun, Internet
Monday, August 27, 2007
India Times Mail.....
Indiatimes is a famous domain in India and has a vast number of users....It is one of India oldest portals and competes with rediff and Sify.
Recently Indiatimes released there new email service amid much hype and fanfare.They even telecast expensive television ads.....
So out of curiosity, i just created an account to check out the much hyped easy to use interface.
What i expected was a mediore service that was an inch above the rest but with more cons than pros....however what i did not expect was a useless needless clutter which
did not solve any of the purpose and looked like an advertised piece of crap.
My immidiet suggestion-whatever you do dont sign up for indiatimes mai....its not worth it.....
Gmail remains our favourite free email service for now..
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Which Browser TO Use??
Which browser are you using?? Most of you will be either using Internet Explorer which ships with Windows or Firefox which has rapidly spread over the Internet, Mac users will be loyal to the Safari… So which software Browser should one use??
Here I’ll review a few browsers that I have used and some of which I have heard about.
Firefox: Its an extremely innovative product that woke up the Internet Explorer Team and it can also be called the Foundation Stone of IE7 because Microsoft started its development only after Firefox rapidly started capturing market share.
Other featured include Themes that have been created by its large community.
IE6: IE7 has not really spread out so I thought I’d review this piece of crap too.(Those who are using this might not agree but even I didn’t till I hadn’t laid my hands on IE7 and Firefox.) But if you are using this a switch to Firefox or IE7 is highly recommended as it takes up too much of the space that is otherwise allotted to the webpage and is a very untidy package.
IE7: I abandoned the impressive Firefox the minute I set my hand on IE7 and it has lain useless on my PC since then. I love the neat interface and more space for webpage. I also liked the inbuilt search and tabbed browsing though I had gotten used to them after using Firefox.
Netscape Navigator: Yeah! It still exists… though I hate it. It can be called a slow started theme which works with both IE and Firefox yeah it doesn’t work separately but uses the engine of IE or Firefox…And is really slow.
Opera: It has also got its fair share of features though I haven’t used it research shows it highly featurisitic….And has innovations of which even Firefox is shy of…..
Safari: When Apple released the latest edition of Safari and made it available for Windows there was a stampede in the Blogosphere. It was discovered that the software in the Windows edition was full of bugs. On the upper side though many bloggers felt that it was surprisingly easy to use for a Windows user. I think I will download it after the next edition is born although a patch for the bug fixes have been released…
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Labels: Browsers, Free Software, Internet
Use Google Instead Of Yahoo And Catch An Extra Movie Every Month…
Above are the screenshots of Google’s and Yahoo’s homepages (Who didn’t know that?)
A look at them is enough to tell you that Google’s page will load faster because of the lack of media and advanced coding that Yahoo uses…. However I timed them and found the results a bit shocking. I think Yahoo deserve a pat because the rapid speed at which there homepage loads in spite of the large number of media it has is impressive……
Google- 01.92 secs..
Yahoo- -5.03 secs..
Difference-3.11 secs
Now let us suppose that you do 100 searches per day…..that sums up to 311 secs per day opening these pages which roughly equals 5mins that means in 30 working days you can save upto 2.5 hours enough time to catch up a movie……
That means you can catch a movie more every month if you use Google instead of Yahoo….
But I think you can save even more time if you download the Google toolbar if you are using IE6 or below or Firefox1.0, But I would recommend IE7 and Firefox2.0 because these
have built in search capabilities and you can save loads of time if you use them…
Saving time on searching can be especially useful for bloggers who spend a lot of time on researching the topics they blog about…
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Truveo is a service that will search for videos on any topic from all the hoardes pf websites that are in the video business this includes Youtube, Blip.tv, Google Videos and evn some news websites.
The best thing is that they have a lot of refineing optins to narrow the base of your search and get you the best results.
Refineing in some form is available on all search engines and was an option started By Google and is best implemented on their sites.I specially love the options to refine the search in Google Image Search.
So if you are a ideo freak head to www.truveo.com
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Adding My iPod to My Site
I am adding an iPod on this blog so you peple can see what i am listening too and because it looks cool....
It'll play automatically so anyone visiting this page will have to hear it and click the pause button and wonder how i did it.....
You'll find it on the bottom of the navbar on the right of the page.
However you dont have too because this was extremely easy and fun and a very few people on the internet know about this so it'll be fun to use it on you Orkut or other profiles......
Just head over to www.ivoon.com and register to create one for yourself and see how you can impress all your friends....
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Labels: Free Software, Fun, Internet
A Not So Useful Tip
Another day another tip from Digital Inspiration worth mentioning.....
Using this very very very simple trick you can stop all the animations from GIF images to stop.......
GIF images are those type of images that are used to produce some sort of animations by rolling some no. of images one after the other.
Coming to the trick..... you can stop the animation from the images in a webpage by pressing ESC. Yes its that easy! shameful i didn't know of it earlier.
To restore animations you'll have to refresh the page.
Head To DI to try it out.......
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Some Games From My Collection...
Below is a place where you will find a collection of all myfavourite free online games to try and enjoy.......
They are Placed on a page on my website please feel free to browse around....
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What To Download From Google Pack?
For those who dont know Google Pack is collection of free software from Google that will help you with your day to day computer work and make you life easier....But as with everything this has its cons too.... And not the whole pack is worth downloading....So Lets Check out what is worth Downloading:
1.)Google Earth:
Everyone knows what google eatrh is and everyone knows its worth a download...
For those who dont then instead of wasting your time just download it and enjoy...
2.)Norton Security Scan:
Use this only if you lack a security software on your PC which most of the people dont. And if you do i think you should spend some money and buy one immidietly rather than wasting time with this....
3.)Google Desktop:
I wont recommend anyone to download this unless thay have tons of files stored on their computer because it will slow down your computer a lot and will do no more than getting you frustated.It just indexes your whole Oc from time to tome and lets you do desktop searches.....
Highly recommended if you use IE6 but you can or cannont use it if you have IE7....If you are stuck with IE6 then you HAVE to doenload this but if you have IE7n then that is better but you may want this because there is no harm in keeping this one just in case its useful when IE doesn;y open some page.....
5.)Adobe Reader: You'll probably have this in your PC but if not its must for your PDF documents.....
6.)Skype: I dont like it much but i'll have to admit its THE thing for PC to Pc calls....though not orth bothering if you don have a headset....
7.)Google Tool Bar for IE:I dont think you should keep thi toolbar or any one for that matter because its just a waste of screen space more than anything...
8.)Spyware Doctor: See Norton Security Scan..
9.)Picasa: No if you dont have atleast 500-1000 pix on your PC otherwise using this will be completely mundane. But if you have that number of pix this will seem like an angel.....
10.)Google Photos Screensaver: Interesting Change but not useful.....
11.)You'll be foolish to download this beacuse a web browser version is available at many places including my website- www.freewebs.com/mukundlahoty/
12.)Star Office: Basically a replacement for Ms Office that is free and free here has its lack of features but useful if you dont want to splurge.....
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Labels: Free Software, Internet
Starting To Blog....Which Platform???
So you are one of the thousandswho are planning to step into the world of blogging?
And are stuck at the same question that thousands are confused about everyday.....WHICH PLATFORM???
Lets explore the possibilities and options.....
When you are thinking about a blogging platform you must be thinking about the paid ones and the free ones....The first thing that will come to your mind is that nothing free can be comparable to something that you will pay for....But in the blogging world it is exactly the opposite free options like blogger and wordpress are much better at the moment than paid one like typepad.
So the free ones eh!......The two big things at the moment are Blogger and Wordpress...Which one sould you use???? Although Wordpress is much more advanced and has many features that are unknown to blogger i would still recommecd blogger to the first timers because its simply very easy to use compared to worpress and trust me it will save you a lot of headache as you start to blog...
You can of course later shift to wordpress when you think you require the lot of advanced features......
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Some Useful Posts From Digital Inspiration
Digital Inspiration is a highly sucessful technology blog from Amit Aggarwal.I have been a regular reader and some of his tips have been really helpful. Its the only sucessful website i have ever seen that does not have its domain name.....
(Hopefully mine will be the second one...!!). I would highly recommecnd this blog to those who are interested in learnin a few complicated things over the intenet that are sure to impress everybody.Here are some very recent posts i have found very useful:
1.) Acess blocked Websites When IP adresses And The Domains are Blocked
In this post he displays a way you can access websites that have been blocked at your workplace by using the humble.......(wait for it!!!)....CALCULATOR....Believe it or not it really works.....
2.)Laptop Theft Alarm System
Here he discusses a software that you can activate if you eave your laptop lying around at a confrence or your workplace and i will sound an alrm sing the inbuilt laptop speakers if someone tries to steal it......
3.) Sync Your Home Computer And Work Place Music Files.....
Here he discusses how you can access music stored on your desktop at home from your workplace provided you are ready to leave it on and connected to internet the whole day.....
Thats all for now,check out www.labnol.blogspot.com for more interesting posts....
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Fancy Searching With Goglogo
Ever fancied you very own search engine??? Now You Can Get one right with your name on top of it that too Google Style........
All you need to do is type your name and you'll have a complete Google style search engine ready to impress your friends.....
Cons include slow searches and lots of ads but still it will be your very own...
Here is screenshot of mine:
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Beware: Greed For Hacking Can Get Your Own ID HACked...
Yes! that's true......lets say you want to get a password from someone...but dont know how to get that of course......What do you do?? Google it! but then here is the catch, most of the links will lead you to forums where such questions have been asked and the most common answer you'll get is:
"Hi all,
i xyz have found a way to hack into a account here is how it works.....
send the following mail to xyzserver@yahoo.com (or some strange name),
Your yahoo id-
Your password-
id of the pass you want-
send it exactly in the same format and the server will get confused and send you the passowrd of the other person.....the id is of their mail server....
quite easy na..!"
Your id,your password...MY FOOT.....its an easy catch.......get a stupid dumb ID with a strange name on yahoo...and you also send your password and get your own ID hacked!......
Only the stupidest are fooled in this way......
But beware of sites such as www.hackmyfriend.com a great trick in my opinion....you have to click on their ads to start the process....then give your ID (no password) and teh persons id and the reason you want to hack then thay send an email to the person that you want to hack their id and a laugh out email to you......VERY FUNNY....
SO beware of such petty tricks and keep in mind that some of the best computer minds are working for the security of these email systems you cant just walk around hacking them..........
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Good To Be Back
The Hell Examination period is over and its time to be back to regular blogging.
I seem to have missed a lot of gadgets and tech news due to my mistimed examinations...The iPhone ofcourse being the top one....
Dont worry i'll catch up soon enough.....
I'll keep you posted......
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