Thursday, August 23, 2007

Use Google Instead Of Yahoo And Catch An Extra Movie Every Month…

Above are the screenshots of Google’s and Yahoo’s homepages (Who didn’t know that?)
A look at them is enough to tell you that Google’s page will load faster because of the lack of media and advanced coding that Yahoo uses…. However I timed them and found the results a bit shocking. I think Yahoo deserve a pat because the rapid speed at which there homepage loads in spite of the large number of media it has is impressive……
Google- 01.92 secs..
Yahoo- -5.03 secs..
Difference-3.11 secs
Now let us suppose that you do 100 searches per day…..that sums up to 311 secs per day opening these pages which roughly equals 5mins that means in 30 working days you can save upto 2.5 hours enough time to catch up a movie……
That means you can catch a movie more every month if you use Google instead of Yahoo….
But I think you can save even more time if you download the Google toolbar if you are using IE6 or below or Firefox1.0, But I would recommend IE7 and Firefox2.0 because these
have built in search capabilities and you can save loads of time if you use them…
Saving time on searching can be especially useful for bloggers who spend a lot of time on researching the topics they blog about…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well this is too much.....