Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why Use The Expensive Business Suites ???

Are you looking to buy the MS Office 2007? Do you plan to use only a handful of the software in the suite?? Are you running a small business? Do you use these suites only to manage your accounts and not for the presentations or sending data to clients?

If the answer is "yes" to most of the questions above you should not pay for all these softwares......Hang On! I am not here to promote piracy. I am saying if you just want to share some personal data among employees why don't you use the tons of free services such as Google Docs,Zoho etc,etc....?

These softwares will ad up to nil costing and most of them support the standard extensions so you don't need to worry about sending data to your clients...For starters you can use them side along with MS-Office and get used to them so that you don't have to set aside 100's of dollars for Office 2008 or something...:-)

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