Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Old News But Uncovered Here

Microsoft did everything a monopoly holder "Mint" company could do to gain complete dominance of the Email market. The hotmail they bought was a hit in its early days especially in India. But rivals like Google and Yahoo! kept inroducing more features in their services but Microsoft lagged behind. Now they have finally come up with a new version that will if anything drive their loyal users away. They senselessly made everything more complicated in an "Outlookish" sort of way. Though the one thing i hate about it is you have to wait forever to reach your inbox it too me 45 seconds after logging in while with other services it takes a maximum of 10-15 seconds.
They even had to change the name from Windows Live mail to Windows live Hotmail to reassure the users.
This brings 5 major e-mail players in India-
Rediffmail- Not cool but manageble,delete accounts really fast but have "Unlimited storage".
AOL Mail-Relatively new,very low subccriber base,have a modern interface.
Yahoomail-Didn't like their new BETA much it was sloew and irritating nevertheless huge base and otherwise good service.
Hotmail- Worst of the big 5. Full review above.
Gmail- Simply the best. Everyone knows why.
However dont forget the humble JhakaasMail! run by me.
And anyone who wants to create an Email service my contact me. Its free and easy.

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