Saturday, January 12, 2008

Inside A Webcam !

I don't get many opportunities to break gadgets and then see what is inside them but sometime back i got a chance and decided that its good enough to share with the world. I did go ahead and by a latest product and take it off it was just an old webcam that didn't work anymore.
I expected the webcam to be cramed from inside but was surprised to find that it just had a circut board along with the lense.
So without further ado here are the pics:
Everything taken out with the help of a knife!

Side view of the circuit board attached with the lens.

Back Side of the circuit board.

Ok look at the lens (Say Cheeese)

Separating the lens from the motherboard .(took out the convex lens inside it.)

Well Thats That!
Not satisfied??
Dont worry "Inside a mobile" is coming very soon!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there anything else besides a circuit board and a lens in a webcam? Thanks for sharing it.